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Friday, 10 September 2010

Burn the Koran!!!

A big fuss on the news just now surrounding the "Koran burning" in the US. It seems some US pastor wants to burn the Koran in protest over the proposed Islamic centre being built in New York.

What do these fools hope to achieve by this provocative act? I am not a religious person myself but I would not burn the Koran. I don't see how this will help stop build the Islamic centre, I believe it will make them more determined to build and use it. I thought America was a christian country who believed in forgiveness, this shows the true nature of the US never forgive or forget punish Punish PUNISH!!!


  1. Right on Judge Death!

    The so called Ground Zero mosque is nowhere near Ground Zero and who fuckin cares NYC is already full of every kind of religious orifice.


  2. I can understand relatives of the victims but some arsehole Pastor with a dwindling congregation? Smells like he wants some more parishoners to me. He is scum and deserves to be assasinated!
